The Power of Small Wins: How Tiny Victories Can Shift Your Mindset

growth mindset shifting mindset small victories Jan 08, 2025

Let's be real with each other. We all want to have victories in our lives. Heck, we want to have HUGE ones, if we can!

Well, today I want to focus on the small victories and how they can shift your mindset. That's because small victories give you a quick shot of dopamine which is the chemical that makes you feel happy. It can also help you get into the right mindset to achieve your goals!

Here's an example. It's the new year and you want to read more than you did the year before. That is an amazing goal. You decide to set yourself a goal to read 30 books. Most of us can't really sit and red a physical book all the time, and you may be no different. You decide to see if audiobooks would be a good idea. Pulling up Google, you search for audiobooks and come across YouTube where you can listen to so many books for FREE! 

Thrilled with yourself, you pick out a quick book that will take no more than an hour and a half to read. Since it's after the holidays, you still have cleaning up to do so you put on your audiobook and start cleaning. Before you know it, the hour and a half has gone by and you finished a book! 

The fact that you finished your first book in such a short time gives you a bit more confidence than you had a bit ago and you think to yourself, "yeah, I can do this!" This is a tiny victory.

So why do we want to celebrate the small victories as well as the big ones? It's more about the dopamine rush. It's about giving yourself a "quick win" to not only boost your confidence, but put you in the best mindset possible. 

As a life and mindset coach, I often find myself wondering if the small victories are really victories. I have to remind myself that yes, they are. That is what I want to remind you all about this week. Small wins are VICTORIES! 

Until next week, remember your mindset matters and so do you!



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