Beat Procrastination with 5 Focus-Based Mindset Shifts

growth mindset mindset shifting mindset small victories Jan 17, 2025

Procrastination is something we've all struggled with at some point in our lives. I know that for me, my ADHD makes it SO easy to push things off and not worry about them until the last possible minute.

Frankly, this blog post is a great example. I was supposed to post this on Wednesday but I kept putting it off because I wasn't sure it would be good enough. Pish! If I can share something with you all like that, I am more than okay to give you 5 ways to beat procrastination. Let's get to it!

1. Set alarms for things you need or want to do. If you know you have a project to complete, set reminders and alarms for yourself to get it done. This makes sure you're constantly reminded to do it. Don't set just one alarm, set multiple ones. 

2. Start with the smallest thing you've been procrastinating on and get it done. The reason for this is that it gives you a quick win and sets you up to tackle and succeed at the other things on your list.

3. Shift your mindset to include things like mantras. You could say to yourself, "I can do this even though I haven't done it yet." When I was working on my Life Coach certification, one of the lessons was to put the word "yet" at the end of any sentence when you say, "I can't or haven't done xyz". The reason for that is to shift your mindset to one of growth and action.

4. Be kind to yourself when you DO procrastinate. Don't get down on yourself just because you've waited to get something done. That won't help you get it done and in fact, it may make it even easier to keep putting it off. Instead, tell yourself it's okay and that you can and will get it done by x time period.

5. Finally, realize when you are taking on more than you can handle. Overwhelming yourself can lead to procrastination because you have SO much to get done that you don't feel like you know where to start. In this case, look at your list and see if there is anything you can delegate to someone other than yourself. This takes the pressure off of you for a bit and let's you focus on getting SOMETHING done so you can let yourself relish the success that comes with it. 

In short, these 5 ways to shift your mindset can help you beat procrastination. Sometimes they will work, sometimes not. That is up to you and if you help put yourself in the growth and what I call "do it" mindset!

Next time you find yourself in procrastination mode, try one of these tips and see what happens. 

Do you struggle with procrastination? Comment down below and tell me your story :)

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